Sun Moon Dance
Joseph Rael, Beautiful Painted Arrow, is a visionary and mystic from the Southern Ute and Picuris Pueblo tradition. For several years he participated in the sacred dances of his people. In the early 1980s, the Spirit gifted Joseph with visions of various sacred dances to be offered to people of all races, different religions and creeds. From his training, Joseph knew that these dances would provide the special conditions necessary for a direct experience of Spirit and the spiritual realms. For 15 years he traveled the world leading these ceremonial dances.
In 1997, Beautiful Painted Arrow retired to their lands in the Southern Ute Reservation. To proceed with the work that came out of your visions. He asked some people who had danced with him to continue to conduct these ceremonies. Although the “Sun/Moon” Dance was generated from the vision of a Native American, it is important to understand that it is not a Native American Dance in the strict sense. It is a dance open to all people who are looking for inspiration to live a life of greater spiritual awareness and who are willing to invest in this effort.
For example, each Sun/Moon Dancer is asked to commit to dancing four years in a row.
The four days of the “Sun/Moon” Dance bring many teachings. The form of the dance is itself a metaphor for prayer. Sacred dance teaches us about the power of putting all aspects of ourselves into our prayers - physically, mentally and emotionally. The observance of fasting for this dance, gives us mental clarity, appreciation for food and pure water, showing us how strong we really are. The movement teaches us about the importance of dance to have a vision, and then dance the vision so that it can be embodied and realized. It also teaches us that manifesting what we really want takes commitment, effort and surrender.
On a personal level, “Sun/Moon” Dancers will be able to experience an opening/breaking and a transformation, profound insights and visions, and a spiritual acceleration that will last all year. Commitment to dancing the full cycle of four dances is important because it provides healing on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level. As each of us is a microcosm of the planet, the healing we bring to ourselves also leads to the healing of the Earth. For these reasons alone, dancing is a powerful gift you give to yourself and those you love.
On the planetary level, dance works with the energy and spirits of the earth. The circular place of the dance is the sacred Medicine Wheel and represents the world and the life it contains/shelters and feeds. In dance, we work to bring inward the energies of the east, south, west, north, above and below. The energy grid created by the dancers is transferred to the earth and permeates the entire world to bring about healing. The dancing and drums release new spiritual energy from the depths of the earth to be used for peace.
Grandfather Joseph once said that the “Sun-Moon” Dance is for graduate students. Those who feel called to it will make great changes in their personal lives, as well as help in the great work of planetary healing and the promotion of global peace.
Beautiful Painted Arrow has blessed several of their students to lead this dance, including Felicity Macdonald, and others to be Moon Mothers (guardians of the dancers' well-being).