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Long Dance



Extreme MG - Sitio Caminho do Sol


NOVEMBER 26 and 27 - 2022

"When we dance in a ceremony we are expanding whatever principle we are dancing at that moment. Dances give us the ability to break self-imposed limitations and harmonize with Hearing, Seeing and Mindfulness"

Joseph Rael (Beautiful Painted Arrow)

Since 1980, the Long Dance (inspired by Joseph Rael, "Beautiful Painted Arrow", brings together people willing to look at their challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles in the way. Symbols of the breath that sweeps away the darkness, the dancers circulate around the Medicine Wheel , bringing from the vast and infinite Self (outside the circle), inspiration and new ideas to reassess your beliefs, values and attitudes (inside the circle).


Invite your friend, your husband, your wife, your children (over 18) cousins and parents. Dancing as a family, and with our loved ones that we are going to change each one of us to eventually change our planet that needs it so much right now.

We need to get back to truth, trust, harmony and love. It seems like such a simple thing, but this year each dance was stronger and stronger. Help us to bring more and more people to dance this liberating retreat/ceremony!!!


Only the Great Spirit knows what a miracle we could achieve inside and outside of ourselves.


Saturday 05/11

  • Arrival at the Site and Registration (10:00 - 11:00 - Please do not delay)

  • Instructions on Dance

  • Sacred sauna (all without exception must participate in the sauna for purification)

  • Beginning of the Long Dance

Sunday 11/06

  • sharing

  • brunch banquet

  • Departure from the Site from 13:00

The dance

As a powerful transformation vehicle, Long Dance provides conditions for:

  • purification and forgiveness

  • spiritual power

  • Physical resistance

  • Removing blocks and limitations

  • Opportunity for an evolutionary step

  • Openness to new possibilities

  • Fellowship during the ceremony

  • delivery and detachment

What to Bring:

Medicine Shield (should bring it ready!)

Make and bring with you a Medicine Shield in the form of a 1 mx 0.5 m banner,

using any type of material or color (only rectangular banner), where you will represent:

  • Where do you come from

  • Where are you now

  • Where do you expect to be after the dance

  Fold the top and insert wood and string to hang it.

banner ld_edited.png

We of Prayer

Cotton fabric in yellow, red, black and white, (4 colors) tobacco, string  and scissors.  (Make and bring 18 knots of prayer)_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


Wrap something that you own, that you really like and that you feel is a sacrifice to let go that will be presented to one of your dancing partners during the Give-Away Ceremony.


Rattles (Optional)

Important (Comfort)

  • Water to drink before and after the dance

  • Sleeping bag and mat, blankets, flashlight and a large plastic bag to rest after the dance

  • Repellent and sunscreen 

  • Towels

  • Warm clothing (Many times it has rained and other times there has been a full moon or mist)

  • Cap / Hat (even umbrella if you prefer)

  • A complete change of clothes

  • The dancer must bring his own water and snack to be consumed until the time of the Sacred Sauna.

Clothes / Attire

  • To the Sweat Lodge – Sweat-Lodge

Men: shorts or shorts e  bring a towel and slippers

Women: long skirt or dress (bring towel and slippers) - By wearing the skirt, which symbolizes the circle, as well as the tent, the woman will be in total alignment with Mother Earth.

  • for the dance

Men: pants and shirt  and/or indigenous-style skirt over the pants

Women: long skirt and blouse or long dress


  • Before the dance

In the week leading up to the dance, eat lightly, drink plenty of water, and try to avoid caffeine, soda, and chocolate.

The dancer must bring his own water and snack to be consumed until the time of the Sacred Sauna.

  • After Dance

Please bring a savory dish to share at the “Brunch Banquet” on the Sunday after the dance. Be creative but practical. Bring quiches, pies, ready-made salads, couscous, bread, cold cuts, etc. Suggestions also for sweet breads, cakes, fruits, milk, granola. Fruit juices are also very welcome.

Investment BRL 450.00

Please make payment via Pix or deposito 


random key:




Banco PagSeguro 290

Agency 0001
Current Account 37435974-3

CPF 220.133.368-88

Download the Checklist in PDF:


After your deposit, save the receipt and write down your data below and, by sending the data, you will be invited to join the WhatApp Group of Long Dance 2022 participants. Please send receipt in the group when you join.

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