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Corn Dance - Children

Corn Dance - For Children


the great spirit
saw the happiness of children,
the purity in their hearts
and rejoiced...
blessed all...

when they want to celebrate
this sacred union,
dance together with gratitude
the Corn Dance.
And everyone, adults and children
with purity in hearts
rejoice and celebrate
your emotions...


The Corn Dance Ceremony begins with a Sacred Sauna at 12:00 pm on Sunday. Then we will have a light snack as part of the preparation for the start of the dance.


Clothes for the Sauna

Girls – Skirt, t-shirt and towel

Boys – Shorts, shirt and towel

Fathers and Mothers – ditto with towel


Dance clothes:

Girls – Long skirt, t-shirt and comfortable shoes
Boys – Plain Bermuda shorts or sweatshirt with t-shirt and sneakers


Note: All women, children or adults, must wear a skirt throughout the Ceremony

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