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Checklist - Long Dance

Medicine Shield(see side)


  • Make and bring with you a Medicine Shield in the form of a 1 mx 0.5 m banner - see picture above - using any type of material or color (fabric lasts longer) where you will represent:_d04a07d8-9cd1-3239- 9149-20813d6c673b_

    • Where do you come from

    • Where are you now

    • Where do you expect to be after the dance

  •   Fold the top and insert wood and string to hang it.

prayer nodes


Cotton fabric in yellow, red, black and white, tobacco, string and scissors.

DIY Boxes

Give-away (gift for donation)


Wrap something that you own, that you really like and that you feel it's a sacrifice to let go that will be presented to one of your dancing colleagues.

Others (optional)

  • Water to drink before and after the dance

  • Sleeping bag and mat, blankets, flashlight and a large plastic bag for resting after dancing.

  • Repellent and sunscreen

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  • To the Sweat Tent – Sweat-Lodge – Temazcal

    • Men: Bermuda shorts or shorts and bring a towel and flip-flops

    • Women: long skirt or dress (bring towel and flip-flops) By wearing the skirt, which symbolizes the circle, as well as the tent, the woman will be in total alignment with Mother Earth. 

  • For the dance:

    • Men: pants and shirt or skirt in indigenous fashion.

    • Women: long skirt and blouse or long dress


  • Bring towels, a coat, raincoat, water resistant shoes, cap or hat (even an umbrella!) and a change of clothes.




  • In the week leading up to the dance, eat lightly, drink lots of water, and try to avoid caffeine, soda, and chocolate.

  • Please bring a savory dish that can feed 10 to 12 people (be creative but also practical) to share at the 'BANQUETE BRUNCH' on the Sunday after the dance.

  • Bring water and your own snack. (to be ingested until the time of the Sacred Sauna on Saturday).

Support People - What to Bring




  • Tent, sleeping bag, blankets, pillow.

  • Flashlight with new batteries.

  • 2 plastic 3x3 mts.

  • Autan repellent and sunscreen.

  • Clothing: same as for dancers, ceremony and sauna (see above)

  • Each will be charged a small contribution for meals on those 2 days.



  • Women

  • For the Sauna: Indian skirt, Hering T-shirt, flip-flops, towel.

  • During the dance: 2 or 3 changes of clothes: 2 long skirts and 3 t-shirts or blouses (you can wear leggings under the skirts)

    • Fighting shoes, sturdy shoes, wool socks.  

    • Coat or poncho, scarf, and hat for cold weather and sun.

    • Raincoat

  • Men

    • Sweatshirt or jeans with a t-shirt, wool blouse, etc. And a male native skirt.

    • Fighting shoes, sturdy shoes, wool socks.  

    • Coat or poncho, scarf, and hat for cold weather and sun.

    • Raincoat

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Food before the dance


  • From 1 to 2 weeks before the Drum Dance, it is good to remove meat and spicy foods from your diet.

  • Reduce caffeine little by little (coffee, chocolate, green tea, Coca-Cola) so that on the days of the ceremony you don't have headaches and heavy belly.

  • Salt and sugar prevent visions. Use these products sparingly.


Arrival time

  • Arrival time at Sítio Caminho do Sol: Between 9 am and 11 am on the day the dance starts. We appreciate your punctuality.

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